Dublin Borough Municipal Offices will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 in observance of President's Day.
Dublin Borough will be holding Community Day on Saturday, June 7, 2025 from 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm! Are you looking to showcase your business? Come join us. Registration is now open!!
To view the Registration Form
The Dublin Borough Planning Commission will be holding a meeting on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 7:30 pm at the Dublin Fire Company. This meeting is to hear the land development application submitted for the Moyer Farm Tract / Dublin Shopping Center. The applicant is seeking Preliminary/Final approval. This meeting is open to the public.
Please be aware that Dublin Borough is under a drought warning due to the lack of precipitation in our region. This is a reminder that pursuant to Chapter 26 of the Borough Codified Ordinances there is a mandatory prohibition of non-essential uses of water within the Borough. Water should not be used for the following purposes:
- Lawn Watering
- Irrigation and watering of outdoor gardens, landscaped areas, trees, shrubs or other outdoor plants
- Ornamental Purposes including fountains, artificial waterfalls and reflecting pools
- The washing of paved surfaces such as streets, sidewalks, driveways, garages, parking areas, tennis courts and patios.
- Washing and cleaning of automobiles, trucks, other motor vehicles and trailers, except the use of water by commercial car washes
- Filling of swimming pools.
Violations are subject to the penalties as set forth in Chapter 26 of the Borough Codified Ordinances.
To view the 2025 Proposed Budget
Council will consider the Adoption of the Borough's 2025 Budget at its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, December 9, 2024 at 7:30 pm. This meeting is open to the public and will be held at Borough Hall, as advertised.
Dublin Borough has been directed by PADEP (Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection) to prepare a water “Service Line Inventory” including identification of the pipe material types throughout the Borough’s service area. PADEP directive is specifically to verify which (if any) water service lines are composed of lead.
The Borough has evaluated all water service lines connected to the water system based on date of installation and standard construction specifications. Currently the Borough has NOT identified any lead services connected to the Borough’s water system. Letters have been mailed to all residents that have a water line which has been identified as “Unknown”. The Borough will be developing a program to physically identify pipe materials throughout the service area.
To view the Service Line Inventory Notice
Bucks County has implemented a countywide burn ban on open fires commencing 10/27/2024, due to the dry weather conditions. It will remain in effect for 30 days, unless extended by another resolution.
The use of propane or gas stoves, charcoal briquet grills, or the use of tobacco in any form is not covered under this ban.
Dublin Borough has implemented a voluntary water conservation request. Effective immediately, all residents and businesses are asked to conserve water by reducing nonessential usage. This voluntary request has become necessary due to the extreme dry weather. Thank you for your cooperation.
As Fall approaches, residents are reminded that per section 20-104 of the Borough Code, it shall be unlawful for any person to burn any residential or multi-residential waste, leaf waste, or source-separated recyclable materials, excluding wood/coal stoves, charcoal pits and BBQ fires for pleasure.
The Borough uses the Smart 911 system to provide a broad range of emergency notifications and alerts including flushing of water lines, road closures and other time-sensitive events to those who live and work in Dublin. Residents are encouraged to sign up for notifications. For more information and to sign up, click on the Emergency Alerts page.
The Pavilion at Supplee Park can be reserved on a first come first serve basis for parties, picnics, family reunions and special occasions. Contact the Borough by calling 215-249-3310 ext. 1, to see what dates are available. Forms can be found under the Forms and Documents page of our website.
As a water supplier, by July 1st of each year, Dublin Borough is required to prepare an annual water quality report for the customers which Dublin Borough serves. This report is designed to inform you about the quality of our water and services we deliver to you every day. The report contains tables that list any drinking water contaminants and other water quality standards as a result of monitoring during the calendar year of the three operating wells located within the Borough.
This report is now available for download on the Borough's website. Hard copies are also available for review in Borough Hall (119 Maple Avenue). Our constant goal is to provide you with a safe, dependable supply of drinking water. We want you to understand the efforts we make to continually improve the water treatment process and protect our water resources. We are committed to ensuring the quality of your water.
To view the 2023 Consumer Confidence Report
The Moyer Tract Sketch Plan was presented to Borough Council on November 27, 2023. The site proposed for development is located within the “PVD” – Planned Village Development District and has frontage to the west on North Main Street (SR 0313) and to the north on Rickerts Road and contains approximately 32.93 acres of land.
The applicant proposes to construct 68 dwelling units, consisting of 14 twin dwellings and 54 village houses, a three-story building with approximately 45 apartments and an adaptive re-use of the barn for commercial use.
To view the renderings of the site plan
CLICK HERETo view the sketch site plan
This plan will be presented to the Planning Commission during a public meeting on January 15, 2024 at 7:30 PM at the Dublin Fire Company, 194 N. Main Street, Dublin, PA.
Proud of Our Past - Preparing for Our Future
Welcome to the official website for Dublin Borough located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The goal, mission and focus of this website is to provide an efficient and informative platform that will provide timely and accurate information.
Dublin Borough is situated along Route 313, centrally located between Doylestown and Quakertown. As of the 2020 census the Borough's population was 2,110. The Borough continues to see revitalization and growth.
Your Elected Officials continue to plan with a focus on preparing for our future while preserving our past.